Otherworldly Mixed Media Creations

About Kevin

Portrait of street photographer, Francis OConnell.

Kevin became fascinated with the creative side of photography in the late 70’s, after some high school art classes and photography darkroom class.

During the 90’s and into the early 2000’s Kevin started winning many photography awards for his street photography.First as a member of the Chicago area camera clubs and then International competitions. At the beginning of the 2007 recession, he worked in some remote destinations like Antarctica and the Marshall Islands. He became very good friends with Imata Kabua, president and king of the Marshall Islands, and started a documentary about his life. He was never able to finish this, because he became very ill with salmonella, and had to leave. 

He spent most of his time after the Marshall Islands, working on long exposure photography, still using large format film cameras.

Finally he gave in to technology and started using digital cameras, and then becoming refined at the software that went along with it. In 2013 he went back to college full time, to get a digital design certificate from the Art Institute of Illinois. Something still seemed to be missing, until ai came along. Being a hands on creative, Kevin wanted nothing to do with ai at first. Then after a couple years, Midjourney ai designed an editing program to let you use your own images. After all these years, Kevin has finally found his niche. The creative process is hands on with his own finished photographs and then Photoshop, with a final splash of ai to finish the work. These are no longer photos or images. They are a piece of conceptual art that took many steps to make.


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